Chelsea Personal Training Blog
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London female personal trainer on the how and what of exercising in late pregnancy
Are you currently over 30 weeks pregnant and wondering if you should take up some personal training with expert female personal trainers who specialise in ante natal training? Look not further as Chelsea Personal Training (CPT) offers just this. It doesn't matter if you are with us for ten weeks or ten sessions, what matters is that you go away feeling confident in your body and what it is capable of. We will discuss the case of our client who was 35 weeks pregnant when she called CPT.

TRX suspension training with our top London Personal Trainers
TRX stands for total body resistance exercise and is a system that specialises in a form of suspension training. It is comprised of two straps with rubbers handles that attaches to a safe surface. It then uses body weight to perform what seems to be a limitless number of exercises from which maximum gains are made.
The TRX is a favourite among our London personal trainers..

Weight loss with mobile female personal trainers
Losing weight doesn’t come easily. As one of London’s top mobile personal trainers, we understand this. We believe in a holistic approach to weight loss, because we know it is not about what one eats and how much one exercises, but in fact a look at the history of why and how you have come to need to lose weight. In other words we think it is as much a consideration of the mind as it is the body. They both need to work together to make a desirable change. In the case of many of our clients, that is weight loss.

Improve your metabolism by exercising BEFORE Christmas
Christmas is fast approaching and we are all looking forward to the food and drinks during the festive season. However, it is easy to forget that our body weight creeps up at this time of year and we will all be regretting some of it by the New Year. Fear not, as our top mobile personal trainers in London are here to help you to increase your metabolism before the festivities start and to keep you from gaining the mince pie kilos. Read on to find out how we do it!

High Intensity Interval Training - London Personal Trainer advises the pros and cons
HIIT Training – is it all that jazz?
Unless you live in a cave, you will have come across HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training as a form of getting fit fast and staying fit for longer (because it is quick to do and less time consuming). So what is HIIT and is it as good as the attention it is getting? Personal trainers share their views.

London Personal Trainers: The four week kick start running plan!
We love to run, do you? It takes some getting used to but the benefits of running are numerous. One of the most popular reasons clients contact us is to motivate them because they would like to run but they do not know where and how to start.
Therefore, if it is something you have thought about starting to do, you have come to the right place to get you off the sofa and into London’s beautiful parks and outdoor spaces. Chelsea personal trainers will help you to get started on your first four week’s jogging/running with a mini plan below for the complete beginner. We will also outline the benefits of running.

London Personal Trainers share the power of assisted stretching
We hope that you enjoyed the tricep dip variations in your workouts from last week’s blog! If you did many of them, you may have felt what we like to call ‘happy muscle pain’ (HMP) in the back of your arms for a few days? Great stuff! This means you have broken down some muscles and built new ones (while burning lots calories to do so!) But, did you remember to stretch the triceps after every workout? We hope so. If not, get one of our fabulous personal trainers to do it for you!
What is assisted stretching and why is it good? Assisted stretching is using the help of another person (if your friend knows what they are doing then great, but a personal trainer who definitely knows what they are doing is the greatest) to help you to lengthen your muscles so that you can stay relaxed in the process. Assisted stretching consists of the last ten minutes or so of every workout session we do with our clients. (Needless to say, it is our clients’ favourite part of the hour!)

Personal trainers share variations of the tricep dip exercise.
We hope that January is now a distant past and that all who have fallen off, or never actually got started, on their healthy New Year’s resolutions will do so this month. This is when we personally prefer to get started on those health goals. Welcome to February!
We would like to tell you all about exercising the muscles in the back of your arms – the triceps. The reason is that there are so many variations to this lovely exercise and we wanted to make it accessible to everyone from beginners to advanced as a great way to build the muscles that help you with the pushing part of anything you do involving your arms and using only your own body weight.

The split squat - the ultimate exercise for strong glutes!
For our clients and those who know us well, the mention of the next exercise being the “split squat” sends heart rates soaring without actually having performed any movement! In this blog we will explain what split squats are, how to perform them and give you a few variations to make them even more exciting in your personal training programmes.
Our clients and admittedly us, Personal Trainers too, have a kind of hate/love relationship with the split squat. We know they are very hard and not always enjoyable, but simultaneously good for us and therefore we always give them as an effective exercise in our sessions (where appropriate).

Motivation: where are you in the stages of change to exercise?
There are a number of theories relating to the motivation to start and to adhere to exercise. A well-known theory is Prochaska and DiClemente’s (1983) Stage Theory. This is a transtheoretical (stages of change) model of behaviour change that looks at the development for the readiness to change a health behaviour, for example, stopping smoking, reducing alcohol intake etc. The idea behind the model focuses on the five stages of change: pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance. The model may be useful in helping to identify which stage of change you might be in regarding exercise and hiring a personal trainer and more importantly why you are in the stage your are in. personal trainer

Personal trainers suggest resistance training for low back pain.
Tom, who lives in France, writes to Chelsea Personal Training asking about exercises that would help improve his “rubbish back”. Tom has always been active but a year of back pain in his 30s has meant participating less in the activities that he enjoys such as rock climbing. The following blog is an excerpt of the email communication that sees Tom’s low back pain improve with targeted body weight and resistance training exercises.

Personal trainer, Agi shares her tips for the avoidance of weight gain.
At Chelsea Personal Training, I like to keep things straightforward and realistic and that means I like bottom lines! There are no fads, no quick fixes and certainly no diets, detox or liquid only solutions.

Chelsea Personal Training in New York for a personal trainer session in Central Park
Chelsea Personal Training's client, Karen talks about why she enjoys personal training outdoors and keeping in touch with Chelsea Personal Training having moved away from London to New York City in January 2014. Karen has set herself a weight loss target to lose 10kgs by Christmas and we are supporting her all the way!