Chelsea Personal Training Blog
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A year of fitness trainers working during a pandemic
We hope you have all been keeping safe and well during this challenging pandemic times. We are delighted to have been able to offer on-going training to our clients both online and in person outdoor training when permitted by the Government. Our top female trainers and top male trainers in London continue to do this and are very excited at the prospect of life returning to some kind of normaity.

Meet Chelsea Personal Training's London Personal Trainers!
We hope that 2017 has started on a healthy and happy note for you all!
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our personal trainers and Pilates instructors so that you can get to know them and their expertise a bit better. They have been helping me during my maternity leave and will continue to do so. I am indebted to them.
What do you look for in a Personal Trainer? We think what makes a great Personal Trainer is professionalism (qualified, communicates effectively and consistently, knows and shares the latest exercise and training information, remains discreet, turns up five minutes early – always-, doesn’t look at their mobile phone during a training session, etc.) fun (enjoys what they do and they let it shine), and approachable (friendly, motivating, personable and good to be around). Furthermore, their great personalities play a big role in building lasting relationships with our clients. We believe our top London Personal Trainers are like this!
We have four fabulous Personal Trainers and an incredible Pilates instructor. They are Paul, Carrie, Dan, Louenna and Tian. Read on and get to know them!

Chelsea Personal Training extends to cover more of London!
We are excited to announce that our team has expanded to cover more of London!

The Shift® - Could this be the unprecedented wellness programme that opens the door to your greatness?
The Shift is Chelsea Personal Training's innovative lifestyle programme that has been a few years in the making! Here we outline what The Shift programme is, how and why it came about and share an enchanting success story through the eyes of an individual who embarked on their own shift journey.

Personal Training for a Positive Childbirth Experience
London female personal trainer and director of Chelsea Personal Training, Agi has decided to share her positive childbirth experience and how she prepared for it following the good and quick birth of her daughter, Lana, in November 2015.
I have chosen to share my good birth experience because the following left a big impression on my heart from the Tell Me a Good Birth Story website:
"It isn’t easy to tell a good birth story. Thousands of women give birth easily every day, but we don’t hear about them because they are outnumbered by all the scare stories that circulate. Or often they are censored in the first place. Given that in an average post-natal coffee morning, seven out of ten of the women will have experienced difficult or even traumatic births, it’s not surprising that women with good birth stories feel the need to keep quiet, or imply they got lucky.
But this is wrong, a distortion of the facts, and a shocking waste of a powerful social and emotional opportunity.
Talking about your own good birth – in the right way, with the appropriate tone – is exactly what is needed to help other pregnant women have a good experience too," (
In this first blog after a long time out, I will talk about my personal journey of pregnancy and the birth of my daughter, and my top five tips that helped me the most during pregnancy and in preparation for the birth itself.

Training for a 5K run? London personal trainers outline a training plan
Training for a 5K run may sound daunting if you are “not a runner”. In truth, you can become a runner! With the comprehensive plan outlined by personal trainers in West London, you will be off the sofa, putting on your running specific trainers and enjoying the great outdoors in no time! Discover how personal training can help you to achieve your running goals.

Are you thinking of hiring a personal trainer in London?
A client once shared with me that she saw a poster in New York advertising personal training with the following slogan “you wouldn’t do your own tax return if you didn’t know what you were doing and you would hire a tax advisor to help you. The same is true for personal training.” I continue to share this story when I talk about the benefits of personal training to meet your fitness goals.