The Shift® - Could this be the unprecedented wellness programme that opens the door to your greatness?
The Shift is a new kind of wellness programme that combines the expertise of a registered dietitian, a clinical psychologist and registered personal trainer to help you to identify a small shift in your lifestyle that you have felt stuck to make and then work with you to help you to achieve it.
The Shift arose through our identification that a real shift in wellbeing is achieved when a multi-disciplinary approach that focuses on the three most important elements of life: physical, mental and dietetic health; are combined to help individuals with their personal lifestyle goal/s. It is designed to help with issues that make you feel unhappy or unsatisfied. Examples include an inability to lose weight, a lack of motivation to exercise, feeling low in confidence and mood, or struggling to cope with negative thoughts be it about your work life, your home life, or relationship issues. The Shift encourages the understanding that happiness and life satisfaction is often associated with how you think, behave and feel about yourself.
The Shift offers a different angle to the conventional lifestyle programmes. With our experts on hand to guide you, the current habits, thoughts and behaviours inhibiting your mind, body and dietary choices will shift to new habits that will see a happier you who now recognises and feels their own unique greatness!
The Shift, Amy’s story:
Amy is from Ireland and is an Oxford graduate who is living and working in London as a lawyer and enjoying its buzz.
Throughout Amy’s life, she had carried excessive weight – although she wasn’t always aware that this was not her ‘ideal weight’ and that she should do something about it.
It was when her (now) husband proposed back in January 2015 and they set the date to be married in September 2015, she decided to really make a difference in her lifestyle, to try to lose the identified necessary 10kgs and change her views about food and exercise. Amy took to a slow and steady weight loss but could not achieve her goal of 70kgs and kept yo-yoing at 75-77kgs. It was at this stage in June 2015 that she decided to embark on The Shift. The goal was to get to 70kgs with the help of a dietitian, a psychologist and a personal trainer once a week with all three for a period of six weeks.
“In a literal sense The Shift helped me to become healthier, happier and leaner by focusing on my goals with a unique approach that enabled my mind, body and appetite to change gears. For me weight loss was the key goal and I am overall 8kgs lighter in body and feel a greater clarity of mind.
I was given an abundance of helpful, practical and tailored advice that meant I could change my attitude and behaviour towards weight loss gradually and successfully. The team are highly experienced experts in their field and therefore it was a great privilege to be able to benefit from their combined skills and be supported by them.
It was a fun journey and The Shift helped me surprise myself as to how faithfully following an achievable plan has sustainable results.” (Amy – Lawyer)